Last night we had our Best of the Summer Outings competition. It usually depends upon the weather as to how many good outings we have and historically we've got quite wet with nothing much to show for our efforts.
This year, not having had very good weather we were prepared for a similar result but no - a good turnout of images, rather dominated by winged creatures gave Ed Openshaw, our judge, and an original f4 member, a lot of work to do. As usual, great attention to detail, fair scoring and observation from Ed, leading to the conclusions below :-
1st Place and winner of the f4 Rosebowl trophy went to Gareth Morgan for his image "Owlsight" - congratulations Gareth.

2nd place - Steve Littlewood with "Lift Off"

3rd place went to Andrew Hersom with his image "Howden Minster West End"
